An efficient choice for high kW applications, as well as for facilities where code requirements call for on-site fuel storage, like hospitals and 911 call centers, Generac industrial diesel gensets are custom configured to meet the specific requirements of each application. Heavy duty engines have proven their performance and reliability in industrial applications.
Vertical Integration
Major components are designed and manufactured by Generac in a vertically integrated environment, ensuring the highest reliability standards.
Exceptional Service and Support
Generac and its dealers provide you with 24/7 emergency response, warranty service, and scheduled preventive maintenance programs.
Easy to Service
The engines that drive Generac diesel-fueled standby generators can be serviced by any qualified diesel technician. And our national dealer network of factory-certified technicians have the expertise to assist in everything from system design to diagnostics and repairs.
Readily Available Replacement Parts
Because Generac uses diesel engines that are readily available in the market, replacement parts are easy and cost-effective to come by.
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